
Amy Izat


“What I see”

The top image shows a detailed hyper-realistic drawing of two goldfinches perched on a branch. The second image is identical except that the left and lower side of the image, which includes the body of the goldfinch on the left, has been erased to represent the area of her vision that Amy no longer sees when she looks directly into the bird’s eye. In this area there is a faint impression of the original drawing.

Inspiration behind the artwork

I brought the original drawing in for erasing, and, as I placed it carefully down on the table for Mark (fellow artist) to begin removing the area of the birds I no longer see, tears ran from his eyes as he said he could no longer erase any of my pencil work, and that I had nothing more to prove. A few days later, I insisted he do the erasing, and out of the emotion and frustration of this act , a new drawing of two goldfinches was created, something that was once perfect but was now imperfectly perfect. By capturing a pair of goldfinches rather than one, a story is created, adding more depth and emotion to the act of stealing a part of the perfect dancing two.




The Swallow