Blue Trees Old Town - Elizabeth Manuel
In this collaboration, Lindsey showed Elizabeth her original artwork ‘Blue Trees Old Town’. Elizabeth has a condition which causes her to ignore the left side of her vision. Elizabeth created a painting to represent what she sees when she looks directly at Lindsey’s original piece.
Lindsey’s original artwork
Lindsey’s blue trees old town - 45 x 45 cm oil on canvas
This painting depicts three skeletal trees which rise from the bottom of the painting of the against a lilac grey blue wall. The wall occupies the whole of the background with the exception of a rectangle of blue sky in the top left-hand corner. The three trees are loosely painted and appear like ghosts with leafless branches reaching to the top and occupying three quarters of the canvas. The weblike branches on the top left of the painting are silhouetted against the blue sky with a scattering of dried leaves casting shadows on the wall behind.
Elizabeths’s interpretation
Elizabeths’s blue trees old town - 80 x 80 cm acrylic on canvas
When compared to Lindsey’s original piece, the trees have been shifted over to the left, and disappear off the left side of the painting to demonstrate Elizabeth missing the left part of her vision.