New China - Pat Crawford

In this collaboration, Lindsey sent Pat her original tactile artwork ‘New China’ along with some information. Pat described what she visualised when she touched the artwork. Lindsey then painted a second piece to describe Pat’s response.

Lindsey’s original artwork

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New China 85 x 26.5 mixed media collage

This is a textile collage on a black background of faux leather using hand-painted silks, satin and yellow polythene interspersed with beads and silk stitching.  A vertical strip of of midnight blue/purple forms the left hand side of the image perforated with vertical rows of small cut out windows gainsay white silk. On the right hand side of the painting a strip Silk hand-painted in pinks and blues and greys is partially covered by a torn yellow plastic bag, oversewn with lines of vertical silk stitching.  At the base In the bottom eighth of the collage a  strip of painted silk with stitching is over written in bronze ink with the word NEW CHINA. In the top tenth of the collage, black beads and tiny purple silk rectangles are sewn into soft pink silk.

Pat’s interpretation

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New China 85 x 26.5 acrylic on canvas

When Pat felt Lindsey’s original artwork, she visualised a birch tree. This piece of art shows the base of a silver birch tree against a dark forest background fills the foreground of the painting with the white textured trunk soaring up the canvas into a twilight blue sky which covers the top third of the canvas. Traces of bare branches are visible against the sky as are glowing Chinese lanterns in the distance to the top right of the image.

See more of Lindsey’s work


New China - Michael Boswell


Iomani - Lindsey Whitelaw